Project Description




Invitation Au Voyage’ is a unique programme format – not only is it broadcast on the Arte Channel into two countries (France and Germany) but it takes travelogues into an artistic dimension where all topics covered are linked to art – either as the central topic, or how the subject matter has impacted on the host country. Arte and Elephant Doc are long-standing clients of Film Fixers – and when they come out to Southern Africa it is invariably for 3-4 episodes – which means that we travel extensively and work exhaustively to get the subject matter.
This particular show started off in Johannesburg covering mining, down to Cape Town to pick up on our maritime history, up via Sutherland to the Northern Cape to do a story on Jules Verne and his connection with South Africa and then down back to Cape Town via the Cedarberg.
The production criss-crossed South Africa – long but rewarding.
Too many to mention – we love working with the Arte/Elephant crews. The Sutherland Observatory was a bucket-lister, and being back in the red sands of the Kalahari always is amazing – as is immersion in the magical Cedarberg. And the long road trips in-between, traversing parts of the country that are seldom seen. An amazing trip….