Uganda Fixer Uganda Location


Filming in Uganda

As a location, Uganda is famous for its unique beauty, lush green scenery and beautiful weather.

Home to the 2nd biggest lake in the world (Lake Victoria), the longest river in the world (the Nile River) and the world-renowned gorilla and chimpanzee experiences in the many National Parks, the location Uganda is fast becoming a favoured destination for film and documentary-makers.

As a location fixer for Uganda, Film Fixers has not only the knowledge and experience necessary to make your production a success but also an established network of service providers to make the experience as seamless as possible.

Contact us for more information on Uganda, as well as details on the required film visas and film permits.

Customs and Equipment

Uganda has very similar customs procedures to Zimbabwe – they do NOT work with the ATA Carnet system, and all equipment coming into Uganda is subject to a temporary import permission process. This will require an advance application – with equipment type, description, serial number and value. We use reliable clearing agents who will manage all the paperwork and clearance process – subject, obviously, to a fee that is generally calculated based on the value of the equipment. On exit from Uganda, there is an export process to ensure that all the equipment is accounted for. Film Fixers will manage this entire process for you – it is not complicated, but it is time-consuming.

Uganda does not have any specialised equipment for rental in the country – so make sure you bring all your own equipment. Alternatively, Film Fixers can source from South Africa through our equipment rental partners.

Access and Affordability

Although access to Uganda – primarily via Entebbe Airport outside Kampala – is quite seamless, it must always be remembered that Uganda is a developing economy (the fastest in Africa). Having emerged from decades of civil strife, there is a strong emphasis on infrastructure development – so there are challenges to be met in this regard. Despite this, there is a reasonable and acceptable road network – specifically connecting the major centres – and even the lesser (dirt) roads are passable, although it does take time to get from location to location.

Vehicle hire – over and above the costly airport car rentals – is quite affordable – anything from people-carriers to 4×4 vehicles, and generally includes a local driver (which is advisable). Film Fixers has relationships with partners in Uganda that provide extremely good options and rates.

Internal air access is limited to  the major centres, although there is a surprisingly affordable charter industry which we (Film Fixers) have used on occasion) as well as other enterprising air options (we have even hitched rides with NGO flights!)

Uganda is very affordable – from hotel accommodation to vehicle hire, to food and fuel, the country is very kind to your budgets.


Located on the Equator, Uganda is obviously going to have a warm, tropical feel. It is, however, a mountainous country (Mount Elgon, for example, is often covered in snow), so temperatures do not get too high – with an average of 25-30 degrees experienced. Hottest months are in the middle of Summer (December to February/March) and the big rain seasons are just before (September to November) and just after(March to May). This is important because heavy rainfalls make most of the dirt road infrastructure impassable.

Why Film in Uganda

  • Good Access

  • Very Affordable

  • Manageable Customs Experience

  • Incredible Locations

  • Good Visa and Permit System

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