eSwatini Film Permit

eSwatini film visas and film permits are very easy to apply for,  they just require quite a bit of paperwork – but as always, the process for all permits/requirements will be handled by us, so you don’t need to worry too much about the paperwork. Being one of the smallest countries in Africa, eSwatini is very easy with regards to access and the people there are lovely to work with.

It is truly a wonderful location.

The entrance requirements into eSwatini are lax with free 30-day visas to any westerners. The application for a filming permit is a little more tricky, and requires a lot more paperwork – but we will be handling all that on your behalf. The details required for application are filming dates, passport information for all crew, a brief of the nature of the shoot and then a list of all/any equipment.

The whole process can take between 5-10 working days.

In order to fly drones in eSwatini, an import license from the eSwatini Civil Aviation Authority (SWACAA). Following that, a letter of approval is needed from SWACAA. All this requires paperwork but we handle all that for  you to make this process as seamless as possible.

The standard drone rules apply here, and if you would like to know more about them, contact us and we will respond to you ASAP.