It is true that with shorter days, filming can be incredibly stressful. Less daylight coverage and the shivering cold makes for a difficult time! But South Africa is different from your usual locations. The trade-off of late crisp sunrises and early sunsets just makes it all utterly worth it. Golden hours are even more golden.
With winter coming, we find ourselves fast approaching the secret season for filming. South Africa is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful countries in the world with a vast range of landscapes and scenery to tick off all of your boxes, but in winter it very nearly reaches fairytale-like status. But here is the trick; you have to find the right places, and we’re happy to help.
The shorter days means that there is not as much fun as in the summer seasons, and so animals tend to be out more often, especially in the highveld, where the winters are especially dry.
Waning Crowds
Winter in South Africa is low season for tourism, which lends a few positives if you are looking to film here. There are fewer crowds in otherwise crowd-heavy places such as Table Mountain. This all makes filming easier, with easier (and quicker!) access from location to location.
The weather is cold, but that isn’t an issue when you’re layering up. Most winter days are clear (except in the western cape), and in the northern area, there are locations that remain relatively tropical – such as Mpumalanga and KwaZulu Natal provinces.
The winter season is one of the more magical seasons here in South Africa. Life is buzzing everywhere and you feel very much alive. Believe us, there is nothing more beautiful than a sunrise over table mountain with a cup of coffee in one hand and a camera in the other.
Best winter locations
With all that said, we have our own personal favourite list of filming locations in winter.
5. Cape Town
Cape Town in its very nature is a fickle beast. Weather changes every five minutes and traffic is 45min to your nearest store. Add winter rains in the mix and you have yourself a carnival of an experience. However, patience does make the payoff. One sunrise over Table Mountain or Lions Head and you will understand why. Especially given that tourism is at its lowest, you can bet on fewer crowds and quicker movement. Read more about Cape Town as a winter location!
4. Mpumalanga
Being part of the north, Mpumalanga doesn’t change very much in the winter, with stable temperatures. Mpumalanga is known for its scenic views and vast terrain. A big favourite of ours is God’s Window and Blyde River Canyon.
3. Namaqualand
The best part of Namaqualand is the orange flowers blooming in winter. Beautiful orange fields in valleys of rocky mountains. The area is massive, bordering multiple towns and both South Africa and Namibia. It is the perfect time to be there.
2. Drakensburg
Drakensberg in any time of the year is gorgeous. Green rolling hills, waterfalls and beautiful valleys hiding some amazing scenery. The late winter sunrise over Drakensberg will give you a view to remember.
1. Sutherland
Our favourite winter location is a strange little town in an arid landscape in the Northern Cape. Home to the South African Large Telescope, and truly a wonder to behold. The area is known throughout the world for having the darkest and clearest night skies in the world. Stars and snow in the Sutherland is not something you forget! Read more about our blog on starry Sutherland!