Recent Political Unrest in Kenya
As you might be aware, there have been some political tensions in Kenya, with the recent general elections being declared null and void. This has obviously created some doubt for film crews either considering going there for a shoot, or are currently on track to go – so we thought we would provide an update – obviously from our own perspective only.
Update on Filming in Kenya
We have just finished filming in Kenya with a Dutch fashion magazine – two separate shoots in two different locations over 6 days with a crew of 7 people, including the models – admittedly both were away from the major urban areas, but we still spent time travelling from one Kenya location to the other, and had time to observe. The shoot went off without a hitch, and at no stage during the shoot did anyone in the crew feel in anyway uncomfortable or threatened.

The stunning Soysambu Conservancy in Kenya
From a logistics perspective we had no issues at the airport with customs or visas, or with the location permissions – which included a conservation area. It does help, though, that we have a really good agent in Nairobi who assists with all these logistics (it is a legal requirement) – speaking to crews who complain about the costs of filming in Kenya, a lot of this can be avoided if you have the right people in place to ensure you only pay for what you need.
From a Kenya location perspective we had arranged a JV with a very willing reserve as well as the exclusive lodge – which, considering it was at the height of the migration, was no small feat! It meant that we could bring the costs down quite a bit – although the normal costs were in line with Southern African locations, and not inhibitive at all.

Serena Lodge, Lake Elmenteita
So if you are planning to film in Kenya, all seems to be OK. Our advice is to plan carefully and make sure you have the right partner to assist with all the logistics, as well as to keep you abreast on developments in Kenya. If you want any further information, please drop us an email – we would be only too happy to share our information.